Profile PictureShawn Van

A productive & mindful to-do list (Notion template)

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🚀 The big idea: Live your day like you are on 🔥 but don't get burned out 🌬️

All of us are human beings, but we often treat ourselves as human doings—pushing ourselves hard to tick off that very last item in our endless to-do lists, or going to bed with a nagging and unsatisfied feeling. Because someone said a productive day is a happy day... Or is it?

Like many things in life, I suppose the answer lies somewhere in between the 2 extremes: a balance between productivity and mindfulness. It probably means working hard towards that big dream(s), but also regularly looking down and looking around, making sure that we won't reach the end of the line (or life) and realising that we have forgotten to live.

⬇️ The simple tool: this template aims to help us to live our daily lives a little bit more productively and mindfully, with mental models to help us sieve out the tasks that truly matter and prioritise them.

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A to-do list that can help you to live your day like you are on 🔥 but don't get burned out 🌬️

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A productive & mindful to-do list (Notion template)

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